Example 1

From SkullSecurity
Revision as of 03:40, 11 March 2007 by Ron (talk | contribs)
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   mov     eax, 3
   mov     esi, ecx
   xor     ecx, ecx
   movsx   edx, byte ptr [ecx+esi]
   sub     edx, 30h
   lea     edi, [eax+eax]
   xor     edx, edi
   add     eax, edx
   inc     ecx
   cmp     ecx, 0Ch
   jl      short Top

   xor     edx, edx
   mov     ecx, 0Ah
   div     ecx

   movsx   eax, byte ptr [esi+0Ch]
   add     edx, 30h
   cmp     eax, edx
   jnz     bottom

   mov     eax, 1

   xor     eax, eax